
Journal Papers

Jeongho Hyeon, Minwoo Jeong, Wei-Chih Chern, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim *(2025) “Evaluating Road Crack Segmentation Performance in Participatory Sensing: An Exploration of Alternative Metrics”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (Accepted)

Miyoung Uhm, Jaehee Kim, Seungjun Ahn, Hoyoung Jeong, and Hongjo Kim* (2025) “Effectiveness of Retrieval Augmented Generation-based Large Language Models for Generating Construction Safety Information” Automation in Construction, 170, 105926.

Namgyun Kim, Sungjae Park, Miyoung Uhm, Changbum R. Ahn, Hongjo Kim* (2025) “Enhancing Construction Managers’ Risk Perception and Lowering Risk Tolerance Toward Unsafe Behaviors Through Experiential Safety Training” Journal of Management in Engineering, 41(1), 04024067.

Wei-Chih Chern, Taegeon Kim, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim* (2024) “Image Hashing-based Shallow Object Tracker for Construction Worker Monitoring in Scaffolding Scenes” Automation in Construction, 166, 105604.

Miyoung Uhm, Jinyoung Kim, and Hongjo Kim* (2024) “Impact of Construction Safety Managers and Project Characteristics on Air Conditioning Installation Safety Scores” Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, 24(3), pp. 381–391.

Seokhwan Kim, Taegeon Kim, and Hongjo Kim* (2024) “Monte Carlo Simulation-Based Cost Estimation for Floating Trash Barrier Maintenance” KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research, 44(2), 231-235.

Miyoung Uhm, Giwon Shin, Hyoungkwan Kim, H. David Jeong, and Hongjo Kim* (2024) “Exploring the Long-Term Impact of Preventive Road Treatments on Municipal Highways” Journal of Management in Engineering, 40(4), 04024025.

Wei-Chih Chern, Taegeon Kim, Tam V. Nguyen, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim* (2023) “Self-Supervised Sub-category Exploration for Pseudo Label Generation” Automation in Construction, 151, 104862.

Wei-Chih Chern, Jeongho Hyeon, Tam V. Nguyen, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim* (2023) “Context-aware Safety Assessment System for Far-field Monitoring” Automation in Construction, 149, 104779.

Yeji Hong, Wei-Chih Chern, Tam V. Nguyen, Hubo Cai, and Hongjo Kim* (2023). “Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for Segmentation Models on Different Monitoring Settings” Automation in Construction, 149, 104773.

Wei-Chih Chern, Tam V. Nguyen, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim* (2023). “Impact of Loss Functions on Semantic Segmentation in Far-field Monitoring” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 38(3), 372– 390.

Yeji Hong, Somin Park, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2021). “Synthetic data generation using building information models” Automation in Construction, 130, 103871.

Hongjo Kim and Youngjib Ham (2021). “Increasing Reliability of Participatory Sensing for Utility Pole Condition Assessment using Fuzzy Inference” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(1), 04020154.

Hoyoung Jeong, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2020). “Optimization procedure for climate change adaptation investment planning: Case of flood disaster prevention in Seoul” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146(2), 04019077.

Hongjo Kim and Youngjib Ham (2019). “Participatory sensing-based geospatial localization of distant objects for disaster preparedness in urban built environments.” Automation in Construction, 107, 102960.

Seongdeok Bang, Somin Park, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2019). “Encoder-Decoder Network for Pixel-Level Crack Detection in Black-Box Images” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 34, 713–727.

Hongjo Kim, Youngjib Ham, Wontae Kim, Somin Park, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2019). “Vision-based Nonintrusive Context Documentation for Earthmoving Productivity Simulation” Automation in Construction, 102, 135–147.

Somin Park, Seongdeok Bang, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2019). “Patch-based Crack Detection in Black Box Images using Convolutional Neural Networks” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(3), 04019017.

Hongjo Kim, Seongdeok Bang, Hoyoung Jeong, Youngjib Ham, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2018). “Analyzing Context and Productivity of Tunnel Earthmoving Processes using Imaging and Simulation” Automation in Construction, 92, 188–198.

Inhae Ha, Hongjo Kim, Somin Park, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2018). “Image Retrieval using BIM and Features from Pretrained VGG Network for Indoor Localization” Building and Environment, 140, 23–31.

Hongjo Kim, Hyoungkwan Kim, Yong Won Hong, and Hyeran Byun (2018). “Detecting Construction Equipment Using a Region-based Fully Convolutional Network and Transfer Learning” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32(2), 04017082.

Hongjo Kim and Hyoungkwan Kim (2018). “3D reconstruction of a concrete mixer truck for training object detectors” Automation in Construction, 88, 23–30.

Seongdeok Bang, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2017). “UAV-based Automatic Generation of High-Resolution Panorama at a Construction Site with a Focus on Preprocessing for Image Stitching” Automation in Construction. 84, 70–80.

Kinam Kim, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2017). “Image-based Construction Hazard Avoidance System using Augmented Reality in Wearable Device” Automation in Construction, 83, 390–403.

Sooji Ha, Hongjo Kim, Kyeongseok Kim, Hyounkyu Lee, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2017). “Algorithm for Economic Assessment of Infrastructure Adaptation to Climate Change” Natural Hazards Review, 16(4), 04017007.

Hoyoung Jeong, Hongjo Kim, Kyeongseok Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2017). “Prediction of Flexible Pavement Deterioration in Relation to Climate Change Using Fuzzy Logic” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 23(4), 04017008.

Hongjo Kim, Kinam Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2016). “Data-driven Scene Parsing Method for Recognizing Construction Site Objects in the Whole Image” Automation in Construction, 71(2), 271–282.

Hongjo Kim, Kinam Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2016). “Vision-Based Object-Centric Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Inference: Monitoring Struck-By Accidents with Moving Objects” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30(4), 04015075.

Byungil Kim, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2016). “A Framework for Pricing the Loss of Regulating Ecosystem Services Caused by Road Construction” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(7), 2624–2631.

Hongjo Kim, Changyoon Kim, Hoyoung Jeong, Sooji Ha, Kinam Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2015). “4D CAD Drawings based on Marker-based Augmented Reality” Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 16(4), 30–40.

International Conference Papers

  1. Wei-Chih Chern, Vijayan Asari, and Hongjo Kim (2023). “Hashing-based Object Tracking for Construction Site Safety Monitoring across Different Domains” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2023, Jun. 25-28, Corvallis, Oregon.
  2. Taegeon Kim, Giwon Shin, Seokhwan Kim, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim (2023). “Target Domain Training Data Generation by Moving Object Detection and Label Propagation” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2023, Jun. 25-28, Corvallis, Oregon.
  3. Miyoung Uhm, Giwon Shin, Hyoungkwan Kim, Namgyun Kim, and Hongjo Kim (2023). “Evaluating the Economic Impact of Preventive Treatment Strategies for Municipal Highways” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2023, Jun. 25-28, Corvallis, Oregon.
  4. Taegeon Kim, Seokhwan Kim, Namgyun Kim, and Hongjo Kim (2023). “ChatGPT in the Construction Domain: Opportunities, Risks, and Recommendations” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2023) Jul. 19-21, Bangkok, Thailand, 32-37.
  5. Jeongho Hyeon, Minwoo Jeong, Giwon Shin, Wei-Chih Chern, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim (2023). “Evaluating Road Segmentation Performance in Participatory Sensing: Investigation into Alternative Metrics” The 40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2023) Jul. 3–7, Chennai, India, 506-512.

  6. Taegeon Kim, Giwon Shin, Seokhwan Kim and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Generating Pseudo Label of Object Detector for Construction Site Monitoring” The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE) Oct. 26-28, 2022, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 111-119.
  7. Jeongho Hyeon, Giwon Shin, Taegeon Kim, Byungil Kim, and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Challenges of Road Crack Segmentation due to Coarse Annotation” The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE) Oct. 26-28, 2022, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 197-203.
  8. Wei-Chih Chern, Jeongho Hyeon, Tam V. Nguyen, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Context-Aware PPE Compliance Check in Far-Field Monitoring” The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE) Oct. 26-28, 2022, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 187-195.
  9. Seokhwan Kim, Taegeon Kim, Jeongho Hyeon, Jonghwa Won, and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Comparing Object Detection Models for Water Trash Monitoring” The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE) Oct. 26-28, 2022, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 161-170.
  10. Sungjae Park, Namgyun Kim, Changbum R. Ahn, and Hongjo Kim (2022). “Effectiveness of Experiential Safety Training in Physical Facility Compared with VR-based Safety Training” the 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR2022), Nov. 16-19, Seoul, South Korea, 212-220.
  11. Wei-Chih Chern, Vijayan Asari, Tam Nguyen, and Hongjo Kim (2022). “Weakly supervised pseudo label generation for construction vehicle segmentation” 39𝑡ℎ International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2022) July 13th – 15th, Bogotá, Colombia, 41-46. (Selected for Plenary Talks)
  12. Wei-Chih Chern, Hongjo Kim, Vijayan Asari, and Tam Nguyen (2022). “Compound Loss Function of semantic segmentation models for imbalanced construction data” The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM) Jun. 20-23, 2022, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 808-813.

  13. Yeji Hong, Wei Chih Chern, Tam Nguyen and Hongjo Kim (2021). “Generalization of Construction Object Segmentation Models using Self-Supervised Learning and Copy-Paste Data Augmentation” The 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2021), Dubai, UAE, 843-848.

  14. Hongjo Kim, Youngjib Ham (2020). “Evaluating Deterioration Levels of Utility Poles Using Participatory Sensing and Fuzzy Inference” Construction Research Congress 2020: Computer Applications, 821-827
  15. Hongjo Kim, Youngjib Ham, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2019). “Localizing Local Vulnerabilities in Urban Areas using Crowdsourced Visual Data from Participatory Sensing” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2019, 522―529 (Recognized as a best paper and invited to a special issue in ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management).
  16. Jaeyoon Kim, Hongjo Kim, and Youngjib Ham (2019). “Mapping Local Vulnerabilities into a 3D City Model through Social Sensing and the CAVE System toward Digital Twin City” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2019, 451―458.
  17. Hongjo Kim, Youngjib Ham, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2019). “Deep learning-based Context Documentation for Earthmoving Productivity Simulation” 55th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference, 563―570.
  18. Seongdeok Bang, Somin Park, Hongjo Kim, Yeosan Yoon, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2018). “A Deep Residual Network with Transfer Learning for Pixel-level Road Crack Detection” The 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018), Berlin, Germany, 753―756.
  19. Hongjo Kim, Seongdeok Bang, Hoyoung Jeong, Youngjib, Ham, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2018). “Integration of Imaging and Simulation for Earthmoving Productivity Analysis” The 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018), Berlin, Germany, 720―723.
  20. Somin Park, Seongdeok Bang, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2018). “Patch-based crack detection in black box road images using deep learning” The 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018), Berlin, Germany, 757―760.
  21. Inhae Ha, Hongjo Kim, Somin Park, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2018). “Image-based indoor localization using BIM and features of CNN” The 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018), Berlin, Germany, 773―776.
  22. Hongjo Kim, Hyoungkwan Kim, Hong, Yong Won, and Byun, Hyeran (2017). “Detection of Construction Equipment Using Deep Convolutional Networks” LC3 2017: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Computing in Construction (JC3), Heraklion, Greece, 1, 517―524.
  23. Seongdeok Bang, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2017). “Vision-based 2D Map Generation for Monitoring Construction Sites using UAV Videos” The 34rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2017), Taipei, Taiwan, 830―833.
  24. Hongjo Kim, Kinam Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2016). “Data-Driven Scene Parsing for Construction Site Monitoring” The 33rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2016), Auburn, USA, 943–947.
  25. Hongjo Kim, Park, Sungjae, Sooji Ha, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2015). “Construction site scene understanding: 2D image segmentation and classification” The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2015), Busan, South Korea, 333–335.
  26. Sooji Ha, Hoyoung Jeong, Kinam Kim, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2015). “Valuation of Adaptation Technology to Climate Change Based on Target Classification” The 32nd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC 2015), Oulu, Finland, 1–6.
  27. Kinam Kim, Hoyoung Jeong, Hongjo Kim, Jeong, Sangseom, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2014). “Economic Assessment of Landslide Behavior Simulation Technology under Climate Change” The 14th World Conference of Associated Research Centers for the Urban Underground Space, Seoul, South Korea.
  28. Hongjo Kim, Kinam Kim, Sungjae Park, Jihoon Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2014). “An Interactive Progress Monitoring System using Image Processing in Mobile Computing Environment” The 31st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2014), Sydney, Australia, 309–312.
  29. Hongjo Kim, Elhamim, Bakri, Hoyoung Jeong, Changyoon Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2014). “On-Site Safety Management Using Image Processing and Fuzzy Inference” Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2014), Orlando, USA, 1013–1020.
  30. Hoyoung Jeong, Hyounkyu Lee, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2014). “Algorithm for economic assessment of infrastructure adaptation to climate change” The 31st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2014), Sydney, Australia, 942–947.
  31. Changyoon Kim, Hyun Su Lim, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2013). “BIM-based Mobile System for Facility Management” The 30th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2013), Montreal, Canada.

Domestic Conference Papers

  1. Miyoung Uhm, Hyoungkwan Kim, and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Approaches for Cost Optimization in Preventive Infrastructure Maintenance Management” Proceedings of 2022 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Conference, Nov. 18, Seoul, South Korea, 11-12.
  2. Miyoung Uhm and Hongjo Kim (2022) “A Research Trends in BIM based Blockchain” Proceedings of 2022 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Conference, Nov. 18, Seoul, South Korea, 87-88.
  3. Jeongho Hyeon, Giwon Shin, Taegeon Kim, Byungil Kim, and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Challenges in Road Crack Segmentation Due to Coarse Annotation” Proceedings of 2022 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Conference, Nov. 18, Seoul, South Korea, 55-56.
  4. Miyoung Uhm and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Research Trends in Priority Decision Making Model for Urban Infrastructure Integrated Maintenance” Proceedings of 2022 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Oct. 19-21, Busan, South Korea, 15-16.
  5. Jeongho Hyeon, Taegeon Kim, Byungil Kim, and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Performance Comparison of Road Crack Segmentation in Dash-board Camera Image” Proceedings of 2022 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Oct. 19-21, Busan, South Korea, 5-6.
  6. Sungjae Park, Namgyun Kim, Changbum R. Ahn, and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Effectiveness of Experiential Safety Training in Safety Training Center Compared to VR-based Safety Training” Proceedings of 2022 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Oct. 19-21, Busan, South Korea, 31-32.
  7. Wei-Chih Chern, Jeongho Hyeon, Tam V. Nguyen, Vijayan K. Asari, and Hongjo Kim (2022) “Context-Aware PPE Compliance Check in Far-Field Monitoring” Proceedings of 2022 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Oct. 19-21, Busan, South Korea, 35-36.

  8. Yeji Hong, Wei Chih Chern, Tam Van Nguyen, and Hongjo Kim (2021) “Domain adaptive semantic segmentation for safety management of construction site workers” Proceedings of Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Oct. 20-22, Gwangju, South Korea, 27-28.

  9. Hongjo Kim, Seongdeok Bang, Hoyoung Jeong, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2017) “Vision-based Monitoring and Construction Process Simulation for Productivity Analysis of an Earthmoving Process in a Tunnel” 2017 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Conference, 47―48.
  10. Seongdeok Bang, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2016) “Image Stitching for Generating a Local Map of Construction Site using UAV Videos” 2016 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Conference, 187―188.
  11. Hongjo Kim and Hyoungkwan Kim (2016) “Training Classifiers for Detecting Construction Entities in Images using the Geometric Information of 3D Models” 2016 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Conference, 205―206.
  12. Kyeongseok Kim, Hongjo Kim, Hoyoung Jeong, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2016) “Real Option Analysis of Flood Control Infrastructure under Climate Change” 2016 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, 9―10.
  13. Hongjo Kim, Kinam Kim, Seongdeok Bang, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2016) “3D Reconstruction of Construction Entities from Images using Multi-View Stereo” 2016 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, 25―26.
  14. Sooji Ha, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2015) “Web-based Economic Assessment System for Adaptation of Infrastructure to Climate Change” 2015 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, 21―22.
  15. Sungjae Park, Hongjo Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2015) “Construction Material Identification in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) images” 2015 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, 33―34.
  16. Hongjo Kim, Sooji Ha, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2015) “Region Classification in Construction Site Images using Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)” 2015 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, 29―30.
  17. Hongjo Kim, Hoyoung Jeong, Kinam Kim, Sungjae Park, Changyoon Kim, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2014) “ A Fuzzy Inference- and Computer Vision-based Safety Assessment System for Construction Site Entities” 2014 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Conference, 99―100.
  18. Hongjo Kim, Kinam Kim, Sungjae Park, Hoyoung Jeong, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2014) “Applicability of the Kalman Filter for Multi-Object Tracking in Construction Sites” 2014 Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference, 555―556.
  19. Changyoon Kim, Hongjo Kim, Sungmo Ahn, and Hyoungkwan Kim (2013) “BIM-based Construction Site Layout Planning for Caisson Structure Fabrication using Process Simulation” 2013 Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management Conference, 193―194.


  1. Hyoungkwan Kim and Hongjo Kim (2019). “Situational Recognition System for Construction Site based Vision and Method, and Method for Productivity Analysis of Earthwork using It” Patent Registration No.10-2042629. (in Korea)
  2. Hyoungkwan Kim and Hongjo Kim (2019). “2D Image Data Generation System using of 3D Model, and thereof Method” Patent Registration No.10-1964282. (in Korea)
  3. Hyoungkwan Kim and Hongjo Kim (2017). “Estimation System and Method of Slope Stability using 3D Model and Soil Classification” Patent Registration No.10-1787542. (in Korea)
  4. Hyoungkwan Kim, Kinam Kim, and Hongjo Kim (2017). “Visualization of Safety Assessment System in Construction Site using Wearable Device” Patent Registration No. 10-1715001. (in Korea)
  5. Hyoungkwan Kim, Hoyoung Jeong, and Hongjo Kim (2017). “Generation Method and System of Climate Change Impact Assessment Information for Infrastructure based Fuzzy Inference” Patent Registration No.10-1794800. (in Korea)
  6. Hyoungkwan Kim, Hongjo Kim, Kinam Kim, and Hoyoung Jeong (2016). “System for Assessment of Safety Level at Construction Site based on Computer Vision” Patent Registration No.10-1674266. (in Korea)
  7. Hyoungkwan Kim, Hongjo Kim, and Kinam Kim (2014). “Interactive Progress Monitoring System using Mobile Terminal and User Interface of the Mobile Terminal” Patent Application No.10-2014-0181719. (in Korea)